Sunday, December 6, 2009


Nowadays, everybody is needed to have his own email. Email is an effective activity and it is mean of effective communication either of person or of business. There are many advantages for using an email, also it has some disadvantages. We can use the email for a business and it has security. In this essay, I’d like to talk about using Gmail in my study and how it help me to improve my communication skills with my colleagues.

First of all, Gmail is an email on the way by Google. Although, Gmail is very easy to use and also it is a free and provides a free services but you must create new account if you want to have Gmail. Moreover, in this semester I learnt about Gmail and how can I use it, so I create an account in Google. Furthermore, I have some reasons to using Gmail, one of the reasons that I often talk with my friends and I communicated with them and I think it is very easy to share our works and also I always discussed about our projects by Gmail, so I always sent my work to my colleagues Zahra and Roudha. What is more, Gmail helped me to organize my work, in the same time it is saved my time and also my effort. For example, I shared my work with Zahra and Roudha to discuss our parts and when we want to see each part. Also, I always used Gmail by sending emails to my colleagues also when I had some question of our projects or interview with some company. For example, when we contacted with the director manager of Better Homes Company, I used Gmail to contacted with Mr. Ryan

In conclusion, I think that Gmail is wonderful tool that I learnt this semester. I believe that it always helped me when I shared my work to discuss our parts with my group. I hope that everybody has Gmail account because it is make our life much easier.

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